Ev. Colossians 2: 6-7
Ev. Colossians 2: 6-7
I want to begin this sermon by inviting us to remember the philosophy of life that says "experience is the best teacher". This time I want to invite us to learn from experience not from man, but from one of the closest to us that we sometimes ignore, namely nature, and specifically we are willing to learn from life experiences of a tree. All must be familiar with the name of the tree. It's up brothers and sisters now all we want to imagine what the tree. You might imagine durian trees, coconut trees, lemon trees, coffee trees, and tree species other than tree sprouts because you will not find it.
Brothers and sisters who are loved by Jesus Christ,
When one sees a tree then the human will admire what is visible above ground, in the sense that people will more often think about the lush leaves and fruit of many trees. But it is people often forget the most important parts of a tree, ie root. Robustness and beauty of a tree precisely determined by the roots. Because the roots are strongly tied to a tree in the soil and roots on duty looking for the food and minerals from the soil. When a tree has deep roots and are stuck in the ground, then the tree will produce a solid and sturdy trees and lush fruit.
The characters are so that Paul wanted to remind the Colossians. Colossians is a city in Asia Minor, east of the city of Ephesus. It was not Paul who founded this church in Colosse, but when he sent workers from Ephesus, the capital of a Roman province in Asia Minor, he was also responsible for the Colossians that. Paul had received the news that in the congregation that there are teachers who teach false doctrines. The teachers insisted that to know God and be saved with a perfect, one should worship the "spirits that control and govern the universe". In addition, teachers said that, one must also obey the rules run the circumcision, abstinence, and so forth. In other words the Colossians to the problems faced syncretism, believe in God while living life as the world.
Brothers and sisters who loved Jesus Christ,
Since man fell into sin, man has lost the glory of God. But sin does not inhibit Alla's love to man it. But the grace of God that does not mean it is cheap as a warning of Paul to the Galatians (Galatians 3:1). Life in God's salvation provided through Jesus Christ. And when people receive Christ, he became the recipient of God's promise. We receive the promise of salvation is through holy baptism, and also again reminded of when we catechism confirmation. But the Christian life is not stop there, but it's where the starting point. Similar to a tree before, he had us planting in the ground, whether it is enough for the tree is alive? We've accepted Christ, was that enough? The answer is no. We still live in the world. In the world of many temptations and the things that become a challenge for us who can lead us to forget our identity as heir to the promise of salvation. So what next?
Brothers and sisters who loved Jesus Christ
In this word of God we find what and how the Christian life the next.
First, continue to live in him. I want to make an analogy of what life was like that. When we have a stone and put it into the water, whether the results can we take? We can say that the stone in the water but water is not in stone. Why is that? Because rock hard and do not have enough good cavity as the entrance of water. Then we try to compare with cotton wool in the water. What results can we see? Surely you would say that cotton is in the water and the water was in the cotton growing cotton because the evidence is weighed and wet.
Likewise Christian life. When we accept Christ, then we must live in Him and He in us. Accepting Christ is different from receiving money. If we accept the money then we will save money in the bag until we need. But if we accept Christ, then we will live and move with the encouragement of Christ. Then we will go into about the second.
Secondly, should you rooted and built up in Him. A tree that has been placed on the ground then he will be built into the ground and onto the ground. The roots into the soil that will continue to stuck into the ground. Go up the land that is an increasingly lush trees. And these two things must be unidirectional. If only one direction of growth, then it is an abnormal growth. Like a tree that grows upward, leafy tree roots but shorter then what will happen? If the wind comes then the tree would fall down. Many Christians are so diligent and active in the ministry but the motivation of faith shallow, so when it comes trials and tribulations he would fall down.
But if growth is only downwards and not upwards, this is called bonsai. Remember about it, Jesus never condemned trees that showed no growth in the top. Many people who could be classified to the Christian Bonsai. There are people who had long been Christian, but his life is so-so only, no growth and no act of faith he finally considered. Real pain not being considered. Faith and belief can not be seen but can be expressed through devotion in Christ Jesus. Therefore, the balance grows to grow downward and upward. So that everyone who believes firmly in the faith that has been taught. And when this happens it will be there about a third.
Third, let your heart overflowing in gratitude. When the tree is sturdy and it will exit the lush fruit. Consider a tree that is strong, lush and many men would be a concern of many people. In fact, not only humans, animals such as birds nesting there will be many. Thus the life of the believer. When he established himself in both directions is then he will his heart overflowing with gratitude. Gratitude will be spilled and real through his hands, eyes, mouth, legs and of all his senses. The stairs will always present a good, her eyes will soothe others, his mouth will say that good and pleasing to God, his legs will always walk for the Lord.
Brothers and sisters who loved Jesus Christ,
Now, recall that you've accepted Christ, therefore continue to live in him, rooted and built up in Him, to grow in the faith was taught unto you, and let your heart overflowing with gratitude.
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